Timm Dapper
c/o ScanlineVFX GmbH
Steinstrasse 16-18
40212 Düsseldorf
tel: +49 - (0)211 - 86930272
fax : +49 - (0)211 - 86930271
VAT ID: DE207097629

All of the content on this site is copyrighted by Timm Dapper and/or other companies, and is property of Timm Dapper or presented with permission. This content may not be used without express written permission.

Crowd animation with Massive is a topic I have been sucked into by accident, but it turned out to be a great experience so far and I am glad to have worked on several projects that let me build up a bit of experience.

Procedurally modeling complex plants and other organic objects, animating them and rendering them closeup or in masses (or both) is another one of those reoccuring topics that keep my head spinning.

Pipeline is probably the most (mis)used word in the industry. It's this big unknown beast that everybody has ever only seen parts of but has an idea of what it should look like. And of course I have my own take on this...